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mbl.is Chelsea sigraši Man Utd, 2:1, og lišin jöfn aš stigum
Tilkynna um óvišeigandi tengingu viš frétt

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1 identicon


Alltaf gaman aš sjį Utd tekiš ķ kennslustund. Sanngjörn śrslit 5-1 fyrir snillingana ķ CHELSEA.

Žrįinn 26.4.2008 kl. 14:25

2 identicon

Auglóslega hefur žś ekki horft į leikinn.

ble 26.4.2008 kl. 14:33

3 Smįmynd: HP Foss

Vantaši allt flęši ķ leikinn. Einnig var órękt ķ mönnunum, vantaši aš vera slakir og setja ķ hlutlausan, frjįlst flęši krónunnar er eins og gott bakflęši. Enginn veršur riddari götunnar į mešan Bjöggi er meistarinn. Meistari į Mözdu er meiri en margur annar.

HP Foss, 26.4.2008 kl. 14:38

4 identicon

Liverpool eru bestir.

svanni 26.4.2008 kl. 14:52

5 identicon

Ég hata Liverpool!!!!

Svanni 26.4.2008 kl. 15:08

6 Smįmynd: HP Foss

Frįbęr leikur. Gott flęši og mikil rękt ķ mannskapnum. Voru vel slakir og vel hęgt aš merkja sterka stöšu pundsins, ekkerrt bakflęši žar. Riddarinn hvķti oršinn tanašur meš stķl ķ atturendanum. Lķfstķl.

HP Foss, 26.4.2008 kl. 16:40

7 Smįmynd: Reynir Andri

Run how you want, boss
Chill how you want, boss
Floss how you want, boss
Do whatcha like
Go rock your chain, boss
Pour that champagne, boss
Keep getting paid, boss
Do Whatcha like
Ross, la la, la la, la la
Do Whatcha like
Ross,la la, la la, la la
Do Whatcha like

As I’m poppin’ my collar, black on black antique impala
She ain’t gotta speak cuz my speakers let her know that I’m ballin
They call me the boss, I be calling the shots
It’s Ricky Ross, that boy be ballin alot
That boy be ridin’ big, that boy be ridin’ rim’s
Not the flats but the fish cuz they just swim
New York to the west, you a boss if you fresh
Scuff your shoes, wipe em down
Now get back on your two step
Stunting is boss
Shining is boss
Grand daddy kush, or the purt, yellow diamonds is boss
That dime a boss, She fine as a house
And she driving a porche, She designed for a boss

Run how you want, boss


Chill how you want, boss

Floss how you want, boss

Do whatcha like

Go rock your chain, boss

Pour that champagne, boss

Keep getting paid, boss

Do Whatcha like

Ross, la la, la la, la la

Do Whatcha like

Ross,la la, la la, la la

Do Whatcha like

I’m ridin’ big, I’m hoping lanes

My chevy thang, Got this chickens all insane

Look at my stones tap dancing on the bezzle

Bad baby at the rollie, lap dancing and wanna kiss me

Oh no, cuz of my chain

Cuz of my bling like a peacock standing on my ring

Cuz I’m a boss, I’m a spend it

I’m a floss, I’m a winner

You the loss, all these niggas

Sprinkle soft cuz im the pepper and the salt

Whatcha feel, whatcha like

Whatcha want, what’s your type

I done seen it, done it twice, bought it up the same night

Cuz I’m a boss, its Ricky Ross

If u buy, if u spend it, fuck the cost

You’s a boss, You a boss

Run how you want, boss

Chill how you want, boss

Floss how you want, boss

Do whatcha like

Go rock your chain, boss

Pour that champagne, boss

Keep getting paid, boss

Do Whatcha like

Ross, la la, la la, la la

Do Whatcha like

Ross,la la, la la, la la

Do Whatcha like

Before the block got whipped

And they Pistol got ripped

Before u got any chips

You got permission from the boss

On a mission for the charts, out-smart my competition

Composition so sharp, so dark ,so vivid

26's on the old school

Pro tools session

Got the old school ho’s

Acting brand new sweating

Brand new tennis chain, fancy pockets on my jeans

Headed for the walk dude, fore’ they win him on the stage

Two a day, super pay

Stupid brain from a model

Triple c a hundred deep

And everybody got a bottle

Got a bottle full of purp

Full of work, no leachin’

Blew 50 last weekend, if you looking for a reason

I’m the boss

Run how you want, boss

Chill how you want, boss

Floss how you want, boss

Do whatcha like

Go rock your chain, boss

Pour that champagne, boss

Keep getting paid, boss

Do Whatcha like

Ross, la la, la la, la la

Do Whatcha like

Ross,la la, la la, la la

Do Whatcha like

Reynir Andri, 26.4.2008 kl. 17:00

8 identicon

Ašeins Poolarar myndu kalla Man Utd leišinlegt liš, enda hefur žeirra veriš leišinlegasta liš Bretlands lengi vel.

Chelsea eiga eftir aš snżta sér į L“Pool į mišvikudaginn.

Brynjar 26.4.2008 kl. 18:08

9 identicon

einmitt. Žaš vottar į einhverjum sįrindatón united manna

Óli Snorri 26.4.2008 kl. 19:53

10 Smįmynd: HP Foss

Ķ Lįtrabjargi eru jurtastóš, žvķ aš jaršvegur er žar rakur og frjór į skeišum og ķ sprungum, en sólarhitinn knżr plönturnar til mikils vaxtar. Hvönn vex žar alls stašar og veršur žar sums stašar svo stórvaxin, aš fulloršinn karlmašur getur stungiš handleggnum inn ķ stöngulholiš. Hvönn er įrlega skorin til heimilisnota žar śr nįgrenninu. Til sönnunar žvķ aš jurt žessi hafi veriš notuš mikiš fyrr į tķmum og veriš eftirsótt, er gjafabréf į skinni ķ eign Saušlauksdalskirkju, žar sem kirkjunni er gefinn įrlegur hvannskuršur ķ Lįtrabjargi, svo mikiš sem 6 menn skera (vafalaust) į einum degi og einn mašur į sex dögum.

HP Foss, 26.4.2008 kl. 20:19

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